A blog post about blogs…

In earlier posts I discussed PowToon and how much better it is than PowerPoint….
For my Instructional Strategies blog I created a video using PowToon and discussed using blogs in the classroom – so yes this blog post is about blogs!

Over the past few days I had the opportunity to really dive into this web based program (PowToon) and learn about all of its features – I must admit, we had a rocky start!  After 3 hours of working on this video, I went to upload it to YouTube, it reverted back to its original, 5 slide state with no words or edits.  You can imagine my dismay and I felt I had been a little betrayed by the program I spoke so highly about in previous posts and was so excited to learn how to use all of the features.

PowToon did redeem itself and I am almost certain it was human error that made the first mistake – after all, I am learning! So take a look at the video below (I apologize in advance for the terrible microphone quality) and see what PowToon can do for you in your classroom – and blogs too, of course!
In earlier posts I discussed PowToon and how much better it is than PowerPoint….
For my Instructional Strategies blog I created a video using PowToon and discussed using blogs in the classroom – so yes this blog post is about blogs!


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